I – Legal notice :

The website www.pi-motion.com offers products and services in the field of industrial property, more particularly intended for companies.

Access to this site, its consultation and use are subject to the unreserved acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Use of the PI Motion website, which are accessible on the site.

This site and its contents are the exclusive property of PI Motion SAS with a capital of 23,500 euros, registered in the Versailles Trade and Companies Register under number 528 985 799.

Registered office: Domaine Croix-Marie, 26 avenue du Lac, 78121 Crespières

Intra-community VAT number: FR64528985799

SIRET number: 528 985 799

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II – Credits :

This site is hosted by the company OVH.

The trademarks PI Motion and PI Planner as well as the logos appearing on the sites are registered trademarks.

Any reproduction of the texts and images on this site is subject to the laws in force on intellectual property.